ListOnce Web Developers Referral Network (‘DRN’)
Supporting all web designers / developers working with
real estate and property clients

Hello to our fellow Developers,
2023 is well underway and from all reports may be a mixed bag in terms of the economy and real estate sector. However, that doesn’t stop the relentless forward march of leading-edge website and proptech solutions for agencies and groups.
Being a part of the ListOnce Developers Referral Network (‘DRN’) means you can access dedicated APIs and developer support; enjoy greater flexibility and scalability for your real estate websites; receive referral commission, and; suggest enhancements around the API(s) and Webhooks etc.
We’re very happy to sit ‘behind the scenes’ and support you to best serve your clients.
ListOnce APIs FAQs
Will the ListOnce APIs work with all codes / frameworks?
Yes, the ListOnce APIs can be used with any language or framework which allows you to write custom GET and POST requests. For example, many developers have integrated the ListOnce APIs into sites built using WordPress (PHP), CraftCMS (PHP), Wagtail (Python/Django) and others. Just ask us how.

Can I display additional listing data that is not part of the REAXML specification?
Yes, as ListOnce can be used as either a real-time search engine or as a data source. Currently, you will need to call the ListOnce APIs on a recurring basis including the modified_from filter (see example below).
My client has very specific website requirements, can I use the ListOnce APIs to sync their listing data and store it locally?
Yes, as ListOnce can be used as either a real-time search engine or as a data source. Currently, you will need to call the ListOnce APIs on a recurring basis including the modified_from filter (see example below).

However, Webhooks are also currently being introduced, which will allow you to streamline the syncing process for certain data sets.
More questions about the ListOnce APIs?
Simply call on 1300 655 448, or use our website enquiry form here